Research manager SIK – The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology
Author Archives: admin
Ulf Sonesson
Tomas Rydberg
Henrikke Baumann
Anne-Marie Tillman
Professor Environmental Systems AnalysisChalmers University of Technology(Chair of Scientific Committee)
Sara Palander
Emma Rex (maternity leave)
Director the Swedish Life Cycle Center Chalmers University of Technology (Chair of Organizing Committee)
Organizing Committee
The organizational arrangements will be managed through a local organizational committee with representatives from university, institutes and industry: Dr. Emma Rex, CPM – the Swedish Life Cycle Center, Chalmers University of Technology, (Chair of Organizing Committee) Sara Palander, CPM – the Swedish Life Cycle Center, Chalmers University of Technology Professor Ann-Marie Tillman, Environmental Systems Analysis, [...]
Welcome to the webpage for LCM 2013
As Chairs of the Organizing Committee, we are honored to introduce you to the webpage for the 6th International Conference on Life Cycle Management.