The organizing committee is now planning the program based on your suggestions for sessions. You will soon be contacted if your suggestion has been selected (based on the conference theme).
Category Archives: News
Merry Christmas and Happy New 2012

Thank you all for this years LCM conference activities. We now want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
More interactive sessions and sessions from industry and policy-makers
We are happy to inform that we have received many suggestions on sessions to the conference. However we would like to see more proposals from industry and policy-makers. We also encourage more innovative and interactive formats on sessions, such as thematic or sector oriented workshops, interactive exhibitions, panel discussions, value chain brokerages etc.
Best of the Life Cycle Conference in Berlin
Ecomobility.TV was in Berlin to interview the renewed international experts on Life Cycle Assessment who explained why it is so important to consider the big picture when it comes to evaluate the environmental performance of a product or service. You can now see a film Best of the Life Cycle Conference in Berlin, follow the [...]
Invitation to submit sessions
We invite all who are interested to further the knowledge and practice of life cycle management, whether from businesses, academia, public bodies or NGOs, to suggest sessions for the LCM 2013. We welcome suggestions for conventional sessions as well as innovative and interactive formats such as thematic or sector oriented workshops, interactive exhibitions, panel discussions, [...]
Thank you for LCM 2011
LCM 2011 is now finished, with more than 500 delegates. Thank you prof. Matthias Finkbeiner and all of your team for your engagement and hard work in organizing this event, and congratulations to yet another highly successful conference in the LCM series.
LCM 2013 Welcome Presentation
You are now able to see the LCM 2013 Welcome presentation, held during the closing session in Berlin. See it here, Welcome to Gothenburg 2013
LCM 2011
Hope to see you in Berlin in August, for the 5th International Conference on Life Cycle Management. More information, visit
Perspectives on Managing Life Cycles
Now can you find information about the conference theme – Perspectives on Managing the life cycles, see PROGRAM in the menu.
Organizing Committee
The organizational arrangements will be managed through a local organizational committee with representatives from university, institutes and industry: Dr. Emma Rex, CPM – the Swedish Life Cycle Center, Chalmers University of Technology, (Chair of Organizing Committee) Sara Palander, CPM – the Swedish Life Cycle Center, Chalmers University of Technology Professor Ann-Marie Tillman, Environmental Systems Analysis, [...]